Cheesey pasta, bacon, broccoli and mushroom bake with a Parmesan breadcrumb topping recipe


This is a comfort food dish, best served on a driesh day, a family pleaser that will warm yours up from the inside out. The Parmesan crumb gives this a crunch that contrasts with the softer ingredients.

Button mushrooms
Half head of broccoli
A few rashers of bacon
Penne pasta
Spring Onions
Grated Cheddar
Worcester sauce
Pinch of chilli powder
Some dried thyme

Most of the below do at the same time if you can.

In a frying pan soften some chopped onions, add some chopped bacon and halved button mushrooms, cook all these gently for ten minutes.

Put some tube type pasta on to boil and cook it a couple of minutes less than its recommended time, then drain. Steam florets of broccoli until al dente.

Grate some Cheddar. make a roux, add the grated cheese, Worcester sauce, chilli powder and a teaspoon of herbs and chopped spring onions.

In a large bowl mix all the above very well, put in a Pyrex dish.

Make some breadcrumbs with some white bread by using your stick blender, mix it with Parmesan cheese. Add the breadcrumb topping.

Bake for about 40 mins at 180 or until the breadcrumbs are golden.
