Cheese and Onion Tart Recipe


Cheese and onion tart

So this isn't a cheese and onion pie as I've always thought, it's a cheese and onion tart, you see if it's no' got a top, it's no' a pie! Still braw tho.

So this simple tart, makes a very tasty T whether served hot or cold. Very simple to make and especially worthwhile when you have some left over mash.

Make your pastry.
Take two onions, halve and chop finely, simmer for ten minutes, drain.
Grate some Cheddar cheese.
I a large mixing bowl combine and mix well your mash, onions, cheese, tbl spoon of mustard, season.
I don't blind bake the pastry, but you may prefer to especially if it is thick.
Fill your tart base with the mixture.
Grate some red coloured cheese on top and bake for about 30mins.
