Roasted Aubergines with Tahini, Mint, Pomegranate and Toasted Pine Nuts


This simple Arabic dish is exquisite.

Cut aubergines in half leaving the stalk on as it helps keep them together, make cuts side to side on the flesh and brush with olive oil and season, put in the oven for 40 mins at 180. When done allow to cool a little.

Put a few tablespoons of tahini in a bowl and add three times the amount of water, beat until it goes really creamy, it may take a couple of minutes, maybe add some more water and a pinch of salt.

Cover the aubergine with the tahini, add some few fresh mint, sprinkle fresh pomegranate and toasted pine nuts.

Sprinkle Sumac on any left over tahini.

This simple Arabic dish is exquisite.