Brains on Toast recipe and more from Cookery Illustrated and Household Management by Elizabeth Craig 1936


The modern housewife equiped with this tome would be an expert on everything from making aspic to curing warts with water from boiled potatoes. The author states that she has included older recipes to prevent the criticism that it wasn't just as his mother made. Chapters include; How to entertain without a Maid and Household Hints by Florence Caulfield Hewitt. See further down this page for an extract from 'Harmless Colours and Flavourings', by John Campbell Ph.D. The section, To preserve your Youthful Figure after 40, is a must.

- Hello Darling busy day, what?
- Oh, Yes Darling and I found time to make your favourite for supper...

Brains on toast:-

2 Sets of brains
White Stock
8 rolled slices of bacon
4 Croutons of fried bread
Lemon, Parsley
Frying fat

Always ensure the brains are quite fresh, Let them lie in a basin of cold water, to which a teaspoon of vinegar has been added. Remove the skins and put the brains in a saucepan, with sufficient white well flavoured cold stock to cover. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for ten minutes, then lift the brains out and allow them to get cold,

Then you bread them and fry them and arange on toast with bacon apparently... The recipe does not state where the brains came from....

- and Darling I've made ham jellies, they're so tempting, for your Maters high tea, prepared from left over bacon and peas in lemon jelly

Extract from

Harmless Colours and Flavourings by John Campbell Ph.D.

'The pleasing effects on the eye of harmonious colour, gleaming glass and spotless napery - the appetising odour and flavour of freshly cooked food on the olfactory nerves, and the palate - have a notable effect conducive to a mental condition most favourable to secretion, and have a distinctive influence on the digestive process.'

Thanks for that John, appreciated.

From some of the remedies

- Mosquito Bites remedy make a mixture of carbolic with eau de cologne and NEVER go to Africa or India without a bottle of this mixture.

In the copy I have someone has put a blue tick beside the 'Corns cure' for which apparently vinegar soaked in bread works if applied to your foot for a week....

All in all, Cookery Illustrated and Household Management by Elizabeth Craig 1936 is an invaluable read for the modern housewife.