Chicken stuffed with prosciutto & basil, tagliatelle & cream

Simple but tasty supper dish that can be made in less than 30 mins, oh and its so worth it... Great food serve with Asparagus wrapped with Prosciutto. Buon Appetito!


Chicken fillets
Chedder Cheese
White Wine


Put oven on to warm to 180 and put a tray in it. Slice a pocket in the side of the chicken fillets and put in some Prosciutto and a sprig of Basil. Prep grated Parmesan, slice a bit of Cheddar - enough to cover the top of each fillet, cut off the bottom woody bit of the Asparagus spears, and wrap them with Prosciutto and some tin foil around the tips, and secure with a cocktail stick.

Put a small pan of boiling water on and add the off cuts of  the Asparagus and set the pan to simmer. Prep sliced mushrooms and dice the Prosciutto. Boil a kettle of water on for the pasta.

Now cook,

Melt a knob of butter and add the chicken and fry till coloured on both sides, 5 mins or so put the Chicken on the tray from the oven, add a little wine to the frying pan and deglaze and pour over the liquid over the Chicken, place the sliced Cheddar on top of the fillets and put in the oven.. (The Chicken wants to be in the oven for about 15 minutes from this point depending on it's size).

Get the water for the pasta ready, bring to boil and add a little salt and a dash of olive oil.

Put the Asparagus on the tray with the Chicken in the oven - so it has about 10 mins.
Add the pasta to the water.

Heat a little Olive oil and Butter in the frying pan and add a squashed Garlic Clove and move it about until it starts to colour, add the chopped Prosciutto and the mushrooms. Move about for a couple of mins. Remove Garlic. Add the rest of the white wine, bubble for a minute, add the liquid from the Asparagus ends. Add a ladle of liquid from the Pasta. Add half the grated Parmesan and three or four tablespoons of cream.

Your pasta should be round about cooked now so drain it and add to the sauce, mix up, plate up on warm plates and put the chicken on top and serve with extra Parmesan, and the Asparagus beside it.

Like I say Buon Appetito!