Azerbaijani Plov - Fruity Rice Pilau and Lamb


Apparently an Azerbaijan Plov is different to a Uzbek Plov don't you know. Anyway that cleared up I'll explain this amazing dish. Apparently it's saved and served for special occasions like a wedding, never for a funeral. And when lock down ends and friends and family come, it would be number one on my list to serve. The method below delivers the most light tasty rice you'll ever have.

It's made in two parts the rice and the meat which is served alongside.

Meat, lamb or beef cubed and browned in a little gee or butter, really caramelise it, then sprinkle a teaspoon of turmeric over it, finely slice two onions and add, cover, turn to low and let the onions sweat, the aim is that the onions disappear and form part of the gravy, a small amount of water can be added as you go along, so stir occasionally. But the meat is going to cook for an hour and a half or so till it falls apart and when served is in a small amount of scrummy gravy.


Dried apricots, dried prunes, sultanas - put them in bowl and pour boiling water over them, after 20 mins or so drain and chop. Also if you have some chestnuts, (the vac pack ones) chop them too. If you have some saffron, place in a cup and add boiling water.


Take two mugs of Basmati rice, rinse till the water runs clear. Then bring a pan of water to the boil, through in the rice and cook for 7 minutes only. Then strain.

Now take a wok and butter it inside, peel a few potatoes and slice into large slices about 5mm thick, rinse and then arrange them in a layer at the bottom of the wok. The pots are going to take the heat, not the rice. Mine burned a bit but were tasty, they can be part of the meal but are only there otherwise the rice would burn.

Now put a layer of rice in, add some of your fruit and chestnuts, and repeat till all used up. Now pour over the saffron and its water. Dot the top of the rice with small lumps of butter. Now take a plate and wrap with a tea towel and use this as a cover, so any moisture during cooking goes into the towel and not back into the rice. Put it on a medium heat and cook for 30 - 40 mins.

Serve the meat surrounding a pile of lovely rice or in a separate bowl. I can't fully explain just how light and beautiful the rice becomes.