Roasted Sweet Potato & Tomato Soup
I used to advertise the 'Over the Top' Cafe, in Cockermouth and I once asked the owner, Jonty, 'why do you always have tomato and basil soup on?', 'Cos this lot', he said whilst waving a ladle in the direction of some customers, 'Won't let me take it off'. And if I had a cafe, I think this would always be on too.

Peel the sweet potato as soon as you can touch it and add it to a blender, then throw in the rest and top up with chicken stock. Then add the secret ingredient, the flavour they will question but not be able to identify. You may not tell if you make this - this is the deal. Got it?Okay then add two teaspoons of treacle and one of brown sugar. Blend, reheat in a pan and then serve.