Navarin of Lamb

This is one of my favorite stews, but then I love lamb. It's quite a delicate dish too, and it's a no rush dish, it takes a couple of hours and varies slightly by what veg you have at the time. But the concept is the same and as follows. (Note no onion or garlic, and I'm sure it's not quite authentic but it is really good.)

Gently brown the diced lamb in butter and once done add a glass of white wine, allow to reduce for a minute and deglaze, then add a mug full of tomato juice, season, add about two mugs of chicken stock and then simmer on the stove for an hour.

Then add whole or halved baby potatoes, carrots and swede or turnip and continue to simmer for another twenty minutes and then add a sliced courgette and frozen garden peas or diced green beans and simmer for another fifteen minutes. Thicken the stew with a 'Beurre Marie' which is a large teaspoon of flour mixed with half a teaspoon of butter, drop it in and mix until dissolved. At this point you may notice family members standing around salivating. 
