Pork and Pineapple Curry

Family fare and for a while in the noughties when the lads were teenagers it was a staple. But now when you need a curry fix, I recommend it and not just, 'cos it's easy to make. You see, I'd not made this for years, as Yvette isn't exactly the curry queen, but because Joe said he'd lke it when he came to see us next. I found I'd really missed this 'blast from the past's' flavour - sort of not quite sweet, sort of not quite sour, super scran; filling, tasty, quick, cheap, one pan, prep in ten, combine. Yep that good. Then you do something else for an hour and a quarter. But beware from the aroma you may just have one hungry que in the kitchen.


Diced Pork
Tin of Tomatoes
Tin of Pineapple Chunks
1 tsp Garam Masala
1tbsp Cumin
1 tbsp Ginger Powder
1 tsp Chilli Powder


In a little oil fry chopped onions and garlic until virtually clear then add the spices and stir around for a couple of minutes until your kitchen smells awesome. Then add the toms and some water, simmer for five minutes then add the pork and then the pineapple with it's juices and a teaspoon of salt, stir and then put in an oven dish and put in an oven at 180 for about an hour and a quarter.