What to do if the Heinz Beans fairy fails you


What to do if the Heinz Beans fairy fails you

Looking behind the cannelloni beans, borlotti beans, five cans of chickpeas and behind the tins of trapped apricot halves, and pear half prisoners lurk no hiding Heinz beans, not with sausage, nor without, not even those wee tinned ones suitable for kids, OAP's and emergencies. But rotating canned tomatoes, and rice pudding in the wooden tin cupboard just isn't helping me, I'm out, the Heinz beans fairy has failed me.

And I'm making toad in the hole which without beans is unthinkable. I know some like gravy but to me it's not right, it just makes yer toad soggy. Don't get me wrong gravy with Yorkshire pudds is great, just not wiv toad in der hole.

This recipe for (unbaked) beans is good though, I used to make it lots when my kids were young, it's cheap when there's a few to feed, and much better for all since it has much less sugars. Yet this recipe for me has remained forlorn, like you I've been lulled into a sense of security by the tin that's blue, ever present, till now. 

Garlic to taste
Herbs - include Sage and Thyme
Tsp Spice sweet Paprika
Tsp Harrissa (optional)
Tbls Tom puree
Tsp Mustard
Tbls Tom Sauce
Drop of white wine/cider vinegar
Tblsp Molasses
Tbls Sugar
Tin Toms
Two tins of beans, either borlotti, canelloni or haricot. Beans rinsed with water.

Fry in a little oil the chopped onion, when clear add garlic and tom puree cook for a minute (always cook puree for a minute) and then add the paprika and then everything else, bring to a simmer and add a little water to cover, simmer gently till beans soften and all cooked, about thirty mins, keep an eye on it. Season towards the end. 

Back in the days when my kids were small I remember a friend had come round with his youngest child aged no older than two. She sat on his knee and he her gave her a spoon of these beans, she looked at him, her expression as if to say, 'What! We get given shit beans compared to these'. She then snatched the spoon from him and ate the lot, demanding more, I've never seen a toddler eat with such relish...