Jamaican recipe for curried goat - Slow Cooker Recipe

'Word Up Soldiers!', Tonite I in heaven. Curried goat, rice 'n peas, homemade coleslaw, Caribbean hot pepper sauce, cans of Red Stripe, Althea and Donna sing:-
'Gimme little bass, make m'wine up m'waist
Love is all I bring'.
This is a great and easy recipe for slow cooker curried goat or goat curry, it tastes better if eaten the day after being cooked, try to buy goat with some bones in it as it adds more flavour, anyway. All day this has been been cooking in the slow cooker and my house aroma like Uptown Top Ranking.
Ingredients1.5 lb goat
Ginger about five cms
Scotch Bonnet
Caribbean Curry Powder - Madras style 1tbl spoon x 2
Cumin 1tbl spoon
Herbs, Thyme
White wine/rice/cider vinegar
Start with a day/overnight marinating the meat with the curry powder, some chopped toms and a few drips of vinegar.
See me in me heels and ting
Dem check, sey we hip and ting
True dem no know an'ting
We have dem going and ting
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
See me 'pon de road, I 'earin' you call out to me
True you see me in m'pants and ting
See me in me 'alter back
Sey me gi' you 'eart attack
Gimme little bass, make m'wine up m'waist
Uptown top ranking
See me in m'Benz and ting, oh
Drivin' tru Constant Spring
Dem check sey me come from Cosmo Spring
But a true dem no know an'ting
Dem no know sey we top rankin', oh
Uptown top rankin'
Shoulda see me and de rankin' dread, oh
Check 'ow we jammin' and ting
Love is all I bring
Inna m'khaki suit and ting
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
Watch 'ow we chuck it and ting
Inna we khaki suit and ting
Love is all I bring
Inna m'khaki suit and ting
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
Love inna you 'eart, dis a bawl out fe me
When you see me in m'pants and ting, oh
See me in me 'alter back
Sey me gi' you 'eart attack
Gimme little bass, make m'wine up m'waist
Uptown top rankin', oh
See me 'pon the road and 'earin' you call out to me
True you see me in m'pants and ting, oh
See me inna me 'alter back
Sey me gi' you 'eart attack
Gimme little bass, make m'wine up m'waist
Gimme little bass, make m'wine up m'waist
Love is all I bring
Inna m'khaki suit and ting
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
Nah pop no style, I strictly roots
You shoulda see me and de rankin' dread, oh
Check 'ow we jammin' and ting
Love is all I bring
Inna m'khaki suit and ting
Me nah pop no style, dat true, I strictly roots