Soup is Prozac - Thai Chicken Soup

Sometimes I think I can practically live off soup. Maybe it's the time of the year. They lied when they said February has twenty eight days, I have a horse and believe me Feb goes on for entire years sometimes, wheelbarrow, shovel horse muck, gan to midden, repeat. The roads flood, sorry the roads flood so much so that even Noah has breakdown recovery. Welcome to Cumbria. On valentines day it's always dark by two thirty, it rains continuously, more roads flood, at the farm it's wheelbarrow, shovel horse muck, gan to midden, repeat, as for potholes - lets not go there, well anyway, wheelbarrow, shovel horse muck, repeat. And deep breath, it will be April soon and the ponies will be outside and you won't have to do the mucking out but in the next month you will have your one thousand three hundred and tenth birthday. 

And back to soup. 

Maybe soup is prozac, maybe that's why I'm always making it.

So I look at stuff and think to myself, well whats left will make some awesome soup, and this is just what you need, not the ingredients you need that mind set, look at my pic - there's hardly anything but I got a great pan of soup out of it.

So this recipe  is slightly Thai soup and it's lovely, a bit of cooked chicken, garlic, a sweet potato, (always have) lime leaves (in the freezer), (buy) shallots (when you see them), (grow) lemon grass (the difference is huge). A bit of chilli, coconut milk, chicken stock, a bit of lime juice.  Put it together. Your kitchen smells great, you have a soup that hugs you and life gets just a little better.

Tomorrow- wheelbarrow, shovel horse muck, gan to midden, repeat.