Thai Style Chicken, Peanut & Cashew Curry


Create amazing aromas in the workplace with this rather fab curry, it's good that your fellow workers drool with food envy, as you finish the remains of last nights tea (that I'd forgotten to photograph), and as they munch cardboard sarnies exhumed from their bait box, yes that Tupperware idyll that used to harbour lovely love notes and promises romantic, now within it's coffinesque dimensions only Lidl's crisps languish. How do you make it they say, 'Well', you reply, 'Out filming The Beach, one picks such things up, Leonardo, such a nice chap, not just party's and pot old mucker'.

So as per usual it starts with the humble onion, who lemming like heads chopped into the oiled pan, sliced chicken join the party and some squished garlic, all is thrown over and things hot up and all browns and then we get spicy with a good tbl spoon of Madras curry powder (East End) and then some chilli powder. And the chicken browned is then outed. Add lime leaves, star anise, ginger grated, chopped chilli or three, then fry a minute and then add some boiling water and half a chicken stock cube, bubble a minute then add a tbl spoon of tamarind, half a teaspoon of brown sugar and a bit of lemon grass, add a tin of coconut milk and a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter, bring to a simmer, taste and adjust. Add the chicken back in and cook for about half an hour. Lob in cashew nuts five mins before serving, or just simply decorate with them. Serve with sticky rice if you can.

'Oh and Slumdog Millionaire what a blast and my Mumbai Vindaloo, to die for darling, simply to die for'. You say, but no one is listening.