

Jota, pronounced 'Yota' is supposed to be Italian (Trieste), Hungarian, Croatian, Slovenian (Istria) yep this bean, potato, pork, sauerkraut soup may be claimed by many, and has many versions some including polenta, some a ham hock, some red kidney beans, some with cumin, some with sour turnip (whatever that is). Either way - every country has a cabbage, bacon, potato recipe and this regions hearty soup is winter fare wherever you are. Serve it with some nice bread and it will warm you from the inside out.

This is a peasant soup and to me all the best for that, it's made with what you have left, I had some roast pork left over so in it went. If I had left over ham from a roast it would be perfect.

I thought this recipe tasted better a couple of days later.

Like most of my recipes it's really easy to make, fry some onions till soft, add a clove of chopped garlic, chopped carrot, peeled and chopped potatoes, chopped bacon, stir for a bit. Then add some tomato puree, add some caraway seeds, fry until you can smell them, add a teaspoon of paprika, chuck in a bay leaf, add veg stock, bring to a simmer, for about twenty minutes. Then add drained rinsed beans (cannellini or any other white beans), depending on your sauerkraut - rinse a bit, or just add. The soup should be slightly sweet and sour. Season last. Simmer for another twenty minutes or until the potatoes are starting to fall apart and your kitchen smells fantastic.

Jota is just great.

Assemble your co-inhabitants and fully expect them to pull a face. Smile at the froggers over the table and enjoy their displeasure as they pingle with their food and drape cabbage over their chins.