Aubergine Peanut & Potato Curry, Butterbean & Sesame Curry


A couple of simple vegetable curries perfect as sides

Aubergine, Peanut & Potato Curry

How to prep Aubergine

Cut the aubergine into bite sized pieces put into a large bowl of water add some salt and cover tightly, leave for about half an hour, then rinse several times prior to use.

Fry a teaspoon of cumin seeds till they pop, add a diced onion and fry till clear, add a tbl spoon of coriander, chilli, salt, turmeric and a tin of tomatoes and some water. Let simmer for a few minutes and then add bite sized pieces of potato, the aubergine and then a mug full of peanuts, I buy salted peanuts and rinse them. Simmer till the potato is tender

Butterbean & Sesame Curry

Similar recipe but one I've made for many years

Fry a teaspoon of cumin seeds till they pop, add a diced onion and fry till clear, add a tbl spoon of coriander, chilli, salt, sugar, turmeric and a tin of tomatoes and some water. Add half a mug of sesame seeds, simmer for a few minutes and then add a tin (drained) of butterbeans.