Turkish Red Lentil Soup (Kırmızı Mercimek Çorbası) Breakfast Soup


Turkish Red Lentil Soup (Kırmızı Mercimek Çorbası)

Turkish Red Lentil Soup (Kırmızı Mercimek Çorbası) so easy to make, so nourishing, finished and looking smart with melted butter with paprika. This lentil soup is comfort food at it's best. I've had two bowls for supper and I'm full, warm and contented. 

In Turkey some soups including this one are eaten for breakfast, for the same reason, this soup would send your family off for their day warm and happy with good nutrition in their bodies. That's no bad thing, you know it, I know it. We can cook. I just wish these sorts of recipes, that are made for pence but nutritious were taught at primary. I mean I almost made a face in the soup and I wasn't trying, what child wouldn't delight in that?

I'm thinking about doing the same, soup for breakfast tomorrow that is, at least I'll be warm as I muck out the horses and wheel horse shit to the midden on yet another driesh January morning. As children we were sent to skool with a 'Ready Brek glo'. Do you remember the adverts? Central heating for kids? This is the same, but Turkish. 


Turkish Red Lentil Soup (Kırmızı Mercimek Çorbası)

Cumin 1Tsp
Turmeric 1Tsp
White pepper
Mug red lentils
Mug rice
Veg stock pot

To finish:-

In a pan in olive oil add a red onion chopped, soften a bit, add a carrot and potato chopped, stir around and add some garlic, stir around for a few minutes then add some cumin powder, some turmeric powder, some white pepper, rinse about a mug red lentils and half a mug of rice, add, Then a stock pot chicken or veg, some water and bring to a simmer for about thirty minutes or so. Using a stick blender, blend and return to a gentle heat. Maybe add more water, this soup isn't thick.

To make your paprika and butter top just melt some butter and add paprika, mix for a minute and drop on and try and make some pretty patterns.

So one day soon blindside your family and try this, yes serve them soup for breakfast...