Recipe and how to make Chanterelle mushroom Souffle Omelette


Chanterelle mushroom Souffle Omelette

Chanterelles to the left, Ceps or 'Penny Buns', 'Boletus' to the right, Recently I've taken up foraging for fungi, I'm only interested in collecting the above but when you look closely amongst the trees the variety of fauna is astounding.

Chanterelle mushroom Souffle Omelette
Go and pick these mushrooms in Sept and October, if you find other fungi growing then you'll likely find the King, the 'cep', if you find Fly Algaric, the red and white mushroom of childhood fairy tales; look harder.

Ceps are commonly found in woodlands so search around the edges of Oak trees; (look for acorns) and or Birch trees (look for Birch nuts) not exclusive to, but look around the edges of these old woods for best collecting.

Look around damp mosses around the trees for chanterelles. 

I've found lots of ceps near pine trees tho.

Chanterelles are a lovely treat, slightly peppery with a touch of apricots in flavour, gently cook them in a butter with some thyme and parsley, fold into an omelette and enjoy a special simple plate of food that means more than its ingredients as you remember you also spied a red squirrel as it ate.

Apart from a Buzzard's craw quietly shrooming through ancient woodlands is a very peaceful pastime and look at who I was lucky enough to photograph.