How to make Blackberry, Apple and Plum Pie


Blackberry, Apple and Plum Pie

I picked apples from our tree, plums from the allotment and brambles from the bushes over the road and stewed them; with a couple of oz of cane sugar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of garam masala and splash of lemon juice, until all the fruit was soft. Then I tasted for sweetness - add a little bit more sugar if the filling is too tart.

Blackberry, Apple and Plum Pie
Meanwhile blind bake pastry in the flan dish as above using some shortcrust pastry made with just butter (no lard) and with half an ounce of caster sugar added. The remaining pastry as you can see I used to make plaits and attempted to make several braids.

Brush the top lattice with a little milk and bake at 180 for about forty minutes, dust with some more caster sugar and allow to cool before serving.

You will amaze yourself with such an amazing fruit pie. It reminded me of my Mum who would produce such lovely puddings out of hardly anything.