How to make Pappa al pomodoro recipe
'Long live the pa-pa-pappa - Viva la pa-pa-pappa
With the po-po-po-po-po-po-pomodoro - Col po-po-po-po-po-po-pomodoro
Ah, long live pa-pa-pappa - Ah, viva la pa-pa-pappa
Which is a boss-po-po-po-polavoro - Che è un capo-po-po-po-polavoro
Ah, long live pa-pa-pa-pappa - Ah, viva la pa-pa-pa-pappa
With the po-po-tomato!- Col po-po-pomodor!
The history of the past has taught us by now - La storia del passato ormai ce l'ha insegnato
That a hungry people makes the revolution- Che un popolo affamato fa la rivoluzion
Which is why we fought hungry- Ragion per cui affamati abbiamo combatutto
So, good appetite, let's have breakfast - Perciò, buon appetito, facciamo colazion'
The video above is 'Viva La Pappa col Pomodoro' sung by Rita Pavone, The song is about a protest by the kids of the Pierpaoli College against very poor meals, and praises the virtues of tomato soup.
Pappa con il pomodoro is a Tuscan soup from the Sienna area served hot, warm or chilled. The zuppa is a peasant dish of stale bread, olive oil, garlic and basil. The "pappa" is an informal Italian term derived from children's talk, which means a mashed baby food, and the texture is a bit like that. But it's lovely and made with hardly anything.
So get some olive oil hot, throw in some sliced garlic and cook for a minute, sprinkle with salt, don't let the garlic burn, throw in cubes of bread, brown for a few minutes, then throw in a tin of chopped toms, a squirt of tom puree, if you had over ripe San Marzano toms that would be perfect (skin and chop) a mug of veg stock, and season, I added a pinch of paprika also. Simmer very gently, be careful it doesn't stick to the pan too much. The bread should start to fall apart, then add lots of torn basil.The zuppa should be pretty thick, drizzle with olive oil and add a little Parmesan to finish or pieces of Pecorino as I did.
All together now.
'Viva la pa-pa-pappa
Col po-po-po-po-po-po-pomodoro'