A summer delicacy - broad bean puree with Parmesan


Sometimes simple dishes represent such delights and this is one such, only available when you harvest your broad beans that have been neglected so much this summer.

A good rule to follow is - always make too much mashed potatoes so you have some left over that can be turned into something else - maybe a potato cake, or potato scone. Or maybe incorporated into something, like this dish.

So first parboil the broad beans for five minutes or so and then shell them. Yes that outer skin is removed to reveal a small broad bean that's as sweet as a nut, well a bean anyway. Time consuming and you have better things to do but carry on, and stop whinging that you don't like them, and your mother made you etc etc.

Anyway cover the beans with a little water and then add a big dollop of mash, warm through and then mash, now add several tablespoons of Parmesan and mix to combine. Season.

If you served this with fish and chips you'd have a queue down the street.