Cloud Eggs? Yep Cloud Eggs.

Okay unleash your hidden Heston, yes let him loose. Set free he'll make great cumulus in the kitchen, and if your thinking did I read that right? I can confirm you did, now read on. Tho a warning of references to stratus and even cumulonimbus follow. Cooking and cloud formations in the same post that's just wowsers. 

So how I hear you ask? Well first separate the yolks from the whites, leaving it in a bowl, and put the egg yolks on different saucers. Don't worry about this part of the process, unless you have separation anxiety. Put the oven on to about 180. Then drop a teaspoon of white wine or cider vinegar and a pinch of salt into the whites then whisk, and now here comes the cloud bit. Yes whisk until you have big and fluffy cumulus, or stratus or even cumulonimbus but defo not cirrus or cirrocumulus. There's more types but they are unprounanceable and I'm struggling with spelin as you can tell, anyway back to easy words.

Spoon the white fluffy clouds onto a sheet of baking paper on a tray and pop in the oven for approx five minutes and keep an eye on them, let them slightly brown. Then take out of the oven and make a dent at the top and carefully drop the egg yolk into it. Return to the oven for another five mins or so. The egg yolk should still be runny in the middle.

A bit of dill on top, and yes that is a drumroll in your own head as you unveil breakfast to your amore.