Sausage and Broccoli Pasta

Sausage and Broccoli Pasta

I think it's the best new dish I've made this week and one for an evening supper - twenty five minutes start to plate, it costs hardly anything, and is really lovely.

Put a large pan of water on and when boiling add some salt and then the pasta, chop up your broccoli.

In a frying pan put some olive oil and add the sliced garlic and chilli and switch on - you get more flavour this way, when the garlic is browned remove it and then remove the casings from your sausage and then add them to the pan and start to break them up, but keep them rough, stir the mixture around for a few minutes.

Grate some Parmesan

Add the broccoli to the water, and allow to simmer for about five mins. When it's started to go soft - it's drowned (it's supposed to be soft enough to add it's flavour to the sauce), then using a sieve retrieve it and add to the sausages, pour in a decent glug or two of white wine and de-glaze the pan, let the wine reduce for a minute then add a ladle of water from the pasta and a squeeze of lemon and a handful of grated Parmesan. Season. Drain your pasta and add to the sausages and broccoli mixture, mix well and serve as above with lots of cheese.

Buon Appetito