spaghetti alla puttanesca

Puttanesca translates as 'prostitute', and this dish is supposed to be food that prostitutes could make between clients it's that quick to make, or smells so good that clients are lured inside to them.

Anyway this is a fab Italian sauce (V) and spaghetti dish can be ready in as little as 12 minutes. So start the clock and cook on.

Fill a kettle and put it on to boil, turn the ring on and put the frying pan on, add a big splash of olive oil, slice two cloves of garlic and add even tho the oil is still cold. Chop lots of black olives in half and add to the oil, add about two tablespoons of capers, squeeze some of the vinegar they are in, out of them a bit, add a piece of dried chilli. Stir around for a minute or two*. 

*You are not looking to colour the garlic, just to get some good strong flavours going.

Add the kettles boiling water to a large pan add a bit of salt and then put your spaghetti in, never bother adding olive oil to pasta water.

Add a tin of chopped tomatoes to the frying pan, a squeeze of tomato puree and rinse out the tin and add to the pan, add a dash of red wine vinegar. Season and stir a bit. Grate some Pecorino or Parmesan.

The spaghetti should cook in about 8/9 mins at 'al dente' about 1 minute less than cooking time, drain and add to the sauce, mix for another minute or so and serve with the grated cheese.


However Italians use 'puttana' for sh*t, and variations of f***

So, "Facci una puttanata qualsiasi," or "throw together whatever," is probably the definition of Puttanesca.