Negroni, well the Lidl version

Be as cool as Stanley Tucci, but for less courtesy of your favourite supermarket, drink one of these Negronis and with a calm authority explain that heathens can be identified easily as they put cream in carbonara. Yes the star of The Devil Wears Prada and more loves a Negroni.

This would be drunk as an aperitif to wake the taste buds up, to me it's a glass of sunshine on a hot days eve.

Bitterol is Lidl's version of Aperol but it's more bitter, more like a Campari. And its a lot cheaper, Lidl's gin and vermouth also inexpensive and good.

The correct ratio for a Negroni is equal parts of gin, vermouth and Campari (Bitterol). Gin imparts a botanical flavour, vermouth sweetness and Bitterol makes it err unsurprisingly bitter.

The Garnish will ultimately decide what aroma the drink will have. Orange makes it fruity and sweet, lemon makes it citrus heavy and sour. Rosemary makes it earthy and more on a botanical side. 

Arrange the garnish outside of the Negroni. 

You are now cool.
