Put some Cumbrian Toad in yer hole


About three hundred years ago when I was a kid, mother would make 'toad in the hole' with apples in it, I always thought that she did that to make it go a bit further, maybe she did, but think about it - what goes better than apples with pork? 

In Westmorland in the 70's Mum always served it with baked beans, probably 'cos it was quick and she was busy feeding four lads and a husband,

Butterscotch instant whip to follow, and a glass of instant orange squash laden with tartrozine and we went back to our rooms to watch 'Pans People' dancin in bikinis to 'Car Wash' whilst whizzing our heads off.

And Mum, if you can hear me, during the last three centuries or so, so have I, toad in the hole don't need posh gravy, it needs beans.

 Now being Cumbrian these days the sausages aren't the dubious pink 'Walls' bangers they are Cumberland sausage the best sausages from the best county, and best for this, thick and spicy.

So apart from that, I hear you mumble, what else do you have to improve my toad in the hole, Toad?

'Well the Yorkshire pudding bit, listen and learn you Toadlet, I make mine with a third of the batter mix with beer., and I put rapeseed oil in the dish, rather than lard that burns, then I get it hot and add sliced red onion, apple pieces, sage leaves, rosemary and then add the sausages then cook for fifteen mins at 220. Then turn the sausages over and pour over the batter mix around the pieces and put it back in the oven for about twenty five mins until golden and brown.'

For the batter ratio for two people

120 gms plain flour - Carrs of Cumbria 
Twa eggs - bought from a stand beside a farm in Cumbria
Mug of cow juice, wiv watter or beer - Hawkshead or/Loweswater Gold

Mix and allow to sit at room temp for at least an hour.

Serve to your miscreants and reminisce about instant mash, when marathon bars were called.. when opal fruits were, err, that you saw the Clash and Buzzcocks, there was a girl called Debs, a Honda scooter. Then look up and see the new version of the blank generation